Pamper Yourself

You pamper your hair, your skin, your figure, even your hands and your feet. So don't forget your mouth. What you spend in a salon invests in your looks only, while a dental hygiene appointment not only improves your appearance but can also prevent a multitude of diseases.

1. We screen for oral cancer during your regular dental cleaning. One American dies of oral cancer every hour of every day, says the Oral Cancer Foundation, even though the disease is highly curable with early diagnosis.

2. Gum disease can also be treated and reversed if diagnosed early. Regular cleanings and checkups are weapons in the fight against a more advanced condition.

3. Studies link heart attacks and strokes to gum disease. A trip to our office every six months can reduce your risk of serious health problems.

4. Gum disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults. To keep your pearly whites intact, stick with your cleaning schedule.

5. Cavities and broken fillings are easy to treat if we get to them right away. Delay can lead to root canals, gum surgery and tooth extraction. Your choice ñ a 30-minute cleaning or an hour under the knife?

6. Regular checkups allow us to examine your mouth and keep you on the right path. Maybe you bought a fancy new electric toothbrush, or aren't keeping up with what current research has to say about tooth care.

7. You've invested in your dental insurance plan. Using it now can save money and time in the long run by avoiding costly procedures down the road.

8. If you're already suffering from tooth decay or gum problems, regular appointments will allow our office to create a personalized treatment plan that will give you the best smile possible.

9. Regular cleanings remove most tobacco, coffee and tea stains, brightening your outlook.

10. Time spent in our chair is your time. Lean back and relax ñ plan a festive meal, review your gift list, or simply daydream. It's your choice.

Call our office today to schedule your appointment!

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From the moment you walk in until your care is complete, you will be treated with compassion and integrity.